While I don't think this is a true slit-scan effect it was the shorthand I used for naming the files. In actuality something like "rectangular division and averaging" might be more accurate, but that's overly verbose and boring.

Finished effect 

The base network is just a video in and a CHOP constant to set the rectangle width, the key here was me learning how replicators worked in TD. This was a bit of an adjustment coming from the programming world. The replicator requires you to generate a table of values for it to replicate operators against. It makes sense when viewed from a TD lense, but I promise I will never take a for loop for granted again.


And now we can get to...

The cropper 

The cropper.

The cropper....

All this for a dad joke, shameful...

The cropper used a starting offset and the width of the rectangle to crop the image down, average it, and draw the constant color over it. I would really like to replace this with K-Means Clustering of all the colors in the slice. I think this, with some work, would result in brighter more accurate colors. The act of averaging the colors creates a little bit of a more muddy result than I would like.

Finished effect x3 

This is the same effect applied to the trailers for The Mandalorian S1-S3.

TD files are binaries, so they are terrible on GIT, but despite that they can be found here: gitlab.com/JordanParsons/gfx.